Commercial Condominium

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Is membership mandatory:

Yes. The fee for operating and reserve maintenance fee is $5.90 a sq/ft.

Question: Where do I send payments?

Use coupon and send to Truist Bank P.O. Box 628277 Orlando, FL 32862 or login to the owner portal to pay online, or sign up with the Management office for ACH payments.

Question: Where are meetings posted?

They are mailed to all owners and posted on the online portal.

Question: What are my voting rights?

One vote per unit. Corporations or jointly owned properties must designate their voting interest.

Question: What are the restrictions regarding sales and rentals?

Written approval and background checks for each individual occupying the unit.

Question: Is the association facing a lawsuit that may cause liability in excess of $100,000? No. Question: Where can I find the governing Documents? Please click on the button links below.